* Oorspronkelijke uitgave: Jacqueline Mees ten Oever. OHK afk., acronym. & symb. TOA-Dag 2011.
Symbool | Term / uitleg | Alternatief | Alternatieve term / synoniem |
∆ | prisma-dioptrie | ||
pseudofakie | |||
1/∞ | lichtperceptie | LP | light perception |
1/∞ |
lichtperceptie, met intacte/foute (+/-) projectie in de aangegeven kwadranten | LP c./s. proj. | light perception with/without projection |
@ | (bij ETDRS-visus) ‘at’, op, b.v.: 35 @ 1 m = 35 ETDRS-letters op 1 m |
@ | (bij keratometrie) bij, op, b.v.: 42,00 D @ 4˚ en 44,25 @ 94˚ |
x | b.v.: 42,00 D x 4˚ en 44,25 x 94˚ |
, |
lenscombinatiesymbool, b.v.: S+2,75 C-1,25 ax. 90˚ |
= | onveranderd, gelijkblijvend | u.a., s.q.a. | ut ante ("zoals tevoren"), status quo ante |
↑, ↑↑ | beter, toename / veel beter, sterke toename | ||
↓, ↓↓ | slechter, afname / veel slechter, sterk afgenomen | ||
> , >> | (veel) groter, eerder, ernstiger dan | ||
< , << | (veel) kleiner, later, minder ernstig dan | ||
-, --, --- | (bij visus:) aantal fouten in een visusregel | ||
+, ++, +++ | (bij visus:) aantal extra letters gezien in de volgende visusregel | ||
- | afwezig, geen | no, absent | |
± | spoor | trace | |
+ | licht / licht storend | light | |
++ | matig / matig storend | moderate | |
+++ | ernstig / duidelijk storend | severe | |
++++ | zeer ernstig / sterk storend | very severe | |
? | (voor een woord:) dubieus | ||
// | (bij covertest:) rechte oogstand | ||
→ | dit impliceert, als (aan het voorgaande voldaan is) dan ... | this implies, if ... then ... | |
∴ | daarom, conclusie, werkdiagnose | therefore |
Afkorting | Term / uitleg | Alternatief | Alternatieve term / synoniem |
A. | assessment (SOAP-format) | E. | evaluatie (SOEP-schema) |
a., aa. | arteria, arteriae (‘arterie, arteriën = slagader(s)’) | ||
AA/ | algemene (niet oogheelk.) anamnese | Alg. | algemene (niet-oogheelk.) anamnese |
A/ | anamnese | Sx, S/, Hx | symptoms, subjective findings, history |
A/V | artery to vein ratio | A/V | breedteverhouding arteriën/venen |
AB | antibiotica | ||
Abd. | abductie | ABD | abductie |
Abl. ret. | ablatio retinae, netvliesloslating | RD | retinal detachment |
AC | anterior chamber | VOK | voorste oogkamer |
AC/A | accommodatieve convergentie / accommodatie ratio | ||
ACC | accommodatie | Acc., Accom. | accommodation |
ACG | angle closure glaucoma | kamerhoekafsluitingsglaucoom. | |
ACIOL | anterior chamber intraocular lens | VOL | voorste-oogkamerlens |
ACL | anterior chamber lens | VOL | voorste-oogkamerlens |
ACV | aciclovir | ZOV | Zovirax® |
ADD | adduction | Adduct. | adductie |
Add. | (lees-)additie | (reading) addition | |
AGIS | Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study | ||
AGL | achterste glasvochtloslating | PVD | posterior vitreous detachment |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome | AIDS | verworven immuundeficiëntie-syndroom |
AION | anterior ischemic optic neuropathy | AION | anterieure ischemische opticusneuropathie |
AK | autokeratometry | K | keratometrie |
AK | astigmatic keratotomy | ||
AL | aslengte | axial length | |
Alg. | algemene (niet oogheelk.) anamnese | AA/ | algemene (niet oogheelk.) anamnese |
ALP | Alphagan® | brimonidine | |
ALT | argon laser trabeculoplasty | LTP | laser-trabeculoplastiek |
alt. | alternerend | ||
Ambl. | amblyopia, amblyopie | ||
AMD | aged-related macular degeneration | ARMD, LMD | leeftijdsgebonden maculadegeneratie. |
AMPPE | acute multifocale placoïde pigmentepitheliopathie | ||
Ant. | anterior, anterieur | ||
AO/ | algemeen (niet-oogheelk.) onderzoek | ||
AO/ | aanvullend onderzoek | ||
AOK | achterste oogkamer | PC | posterior chamber |
AOL | achterste-oogkamerlens | PCL | posterior chamber lens |
APD | afferent pupillary defect (Marcus Gunn) | RAPD | relatief afferent pupildefect (Marcus Gunn) |
AR | autorefractor | ARM | autorefractometer |
ARC | anomalous retinal correspondence | ARC | abnormale retinale correspondentie |
ARMD | aged-related macular degeneration | AMD, LMD | leeftijdsgebonden maculadegeneratie. |
ARN | acute retina-necrose | ||
AS | anterior synechiae | syn. ant. | synechiae anteriores |
ASAP | as soon as possible | zsm | zo spoedig mogelijk |
ASTIG | astigmatism | Astigm. | astigmatisme |
ATR | against the rule | tdr | tegen de regel |
Atro. | atropine | ||
AV | acies visus, ‘gezichtsscherpte’, visus | VA | visual acuity |
AV | arterioveneus | ||
av. | arteria & vena (b.v. av. temp. sup.) | ||
Avast. | Avastin®, bevacizumab | ||
AVOD | acies visus OD, ‘gezichtsscherpte rechter oog’ | ||
AVOS | acies visus OS, ‘gezichtsscherpte linker oog’ | ||
Ax | axis (of cylinder) | x | as, cilinder-as |
AZOOR | acute zonal occult outer retinopathy | ||
b.n.g. | binnen normale grenzen | WNL, g.d.a. | within normal limits, geen duidelijke afwijking |
B/ | beleid (A/ O/ D/ B/ schema) | P. | plan (SOAP-format, SOEP-schema) |
B↑ | basis boven (prisma) | BU | base up (prism) |
B↓ | basis beneden (prisma) | BD | base down (prism) |
BAK | benzalkoniumchloride | ||
BARN | bilaterale acute retinale necrose | ||
BC | basiscurve | BCR | basiscurve radius |
BCC | basal cell carcinoma, basaalcelcarcinoom | ||
BCP | birth controle pil | OAC | orale anticonceptie |
BCR | basiscurve radius | BC | basiscurve |
BCVA | best corrected visual acuity | best-gecorrigeerde visus | |
BD | base down (prism) | B↓ | basis beneden (prisma) |
BI | base in (prism) | BN, Bas. Nas. | basis nasaal (prisma) |
BID | twice a day | BID, 2dd. | bis in die, bis de die (‘tweemaal daags’) |
BIO | binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy | BIO | binoculair indirect oogspiegelen |
BLEPH | blepharitis | Bleph. | blefaritis |
BM | basement membrane | BM | basaalmembraan |
BN, Bas. Nas. | basis nasaal (prisma) | BI | base in (prism) |
BNX | benoxinaat, oxybuprocaïne | Oxy | oxybuprocaïne |
BO | base out prism | BT, Bas. Temp | basis temporaal |
BP | bloodpressure | RR | bloeddruk (Riva-Rocci) |
BRAO | branch retinal artery occlusion | BRAO | arteriële takocclusie |
BRVO | branch retinal vein occlusion | BRVO | veneuze takocclusie |
BSE | bezinkingssnelheid der erytrocyten | ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
BSS | balanced salt solution | gebalanceerde zoutoplossing | |
BT, Bas. Temp | basis temporaal | BO | base out prism |
BU | base up (prism) | B↑ | basis boven (prisma) |
BUT | break-up time | traanfilmbreektijd | |
Bx | biopsie | ||
C | cylinder, cylindrische lens | Cyl | cylinder, cylindrical lens |
c. | cum (‘met’) | ||
C/ | controle | F/U, Rev. | follow-up, revisie |
C/D | cup/disc ratio | CDR | cup/disc ratio |
C/O | complains off | Kl. | klachten van |
C3F8 | perfluoropropaan (gas) | ||
CACG | chronic angle closure glaucoma | chronisch kamerhoek-afsluitingsglaucoom | |
CAI | carbonic anhydrase inhibitor | koolzuuranhydrase-remmer | |
Cat. | cataract | ||
CB | ciliary body, ciliary band, ciliairband (gonio) | c.cil. | corpus ciliare |
CC | chief complaint | Hoofdkl., RvK | hoofdklacht, reden van komst |
cc | cum correctione (‘met correctie’) | ||
CCC | central corneal clouding | centrale corneatroebeling | |
CCC | continue curvilineaire capsulorhexis | ||
CCF | carotico-caverneuze fistel | ||
CCT | central corneal thickness | Pachy | pachymetrie |
CDR | cup/disc ratio | C/D | cup/disc ratio |
CF | counting of fingers | x/60 | vingers tellen op x meter afstand |
C/F | cells/flare | c/o, c/opal. | cellen/opalescentie (Tyndall) |
CIN | conjunctivale intra-epitheliale neoplasie | ||
cito | snel, spoed | PIM, STAT | periculum in mora, statim |
Cj | conjunctiva | Conj. | conjunctiva |
Ck | Check | C/ | controle |
CL | contactlens | HCL, ZCL | harde contactlens, zachte contactlens |
Cl | clear | gb | geen bijzonderheden |
CLA | chlooramfenicol | ||
CME | cystoid macular edema | cystoïd macula-oedeem | |
CMV | cytomegalovirus | ||
CN | cranial nerve | HZ | hersenzenuw |
CNS | central nervous system | CZS | centraal zenuwstelsel |
CNV | chorioidale neovascularisatie | choroidal neovascularidation | |
CNVM | chorioidale neovasculaire membraan | choroidal neovascular membrane | |
c/o, c/opal. | cellen/opalescentie (Tyndall) | C/F | cells/flare |
COAG | chronic open angle glaucoma | COAG | chronisch openkamerhoekglaucoom |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmary disease | CARA, longaandoening | |
CP | cerebral palsy | CP | infantiele encephalopathie |
CPEO | chronische progressieve externe oftalmoplegie | ||
cpf | centrale & perifere fundus | D/M/V/P | disc, macula, vessels, perifery |
CRAO | central retinal artery occlusion | CRAO | arteria centralis retinae-occlusie |
Cryo | cryotherapie, cryocoagulatie | ||
CSCR | centrale sereuze chorioretinopathie | CSR, RCS | central serous retinopathy, retinitis centralis serosa |
CSME | clinically significant macular edema | CSME | klinisch significant macula oedeem |
CSNB | congenitale stationaire nachtblindheid | ||
CSR | central serous retinopathy | CSCR | centrale sereuze chorioretinopathie |
CT | covertest | CT | afdekproef/covertest |
CV | corpus vitreum | Vitr. | vitreous |
CV | color vision | Kleurenz. | kleurenzien |
CVA | cerebral vascular accident | CVA | cerebrovasculair accident |
CVOS | Central Vein Occlusion Study | ||
CWS | cotton-wool spot | ||
Cyclo. | cyclopentolaat, Cyclogyl®, cycloplegie | ||
Cyl | cylinder, cylindrical lens | C | cylinder, cylindrische lens |
CYL | cylinder | CYL | cylinder |
CZS | centraal zenuwstelsel | CNS | central nervous system |
D | dexter, dextra, dextrum (rechter) | R, RT | rechter, right |
D | dioptre, dioptrie | DPT, Dpt, dpt | dioptrie |
d.d. | de die (‘per dag’) | ||
D/ | diagnose (A/ O/ D/ B/ schema) | Dx, E., A. | diagnosis, evaluatie (SOEP), assessment (SOAP) |
D/Q | deep & quiet | diep en rustig | |
D&C | deep & clear | diep en helder | |
D&L | dilatation & irrigation | Anel | proef v. Anel |
D5W | dextrose 5% in water | Gluc. 5% | glucose 5% |
DALK | diepe anterieure lamellaire keratoplastiek | ||
DCR | dacryocystorhinostomie | Toti | operatie volgens Toti |
DD | disc diameter(s) | papildiameter(s) | |
Dd., D.d., DD | differentiële diagnose | DDx | differential diagnosis |
DDT | dye disappearance test | kleurstofverdwijningstest | |
DDx | differential diagnosis | DD, D.d., Dd. | differentiaaldiagnose |
DEC | Decadron® | ||
Desc.pl. | Descemet-plooien | DF | Descemet folds |
Desc.st. | Descemet-stippen | KP | keratic precipitates |
DEX | dexamethason | ||
DEXM | Dexamytrex® | ||
DF | Descemet folds | Desc.pl. | Descemet-plooien |
DFE | dilated fundus examination | DFO | gedilateerd fundusonderzoek |
Diam. | Diamox® | ||
Dk/L | oxygen transmissibility of a contactlens | Dk/L | O2-doorlaatbaarheid CL |
DLEK | deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty | EK, PLK | endotheliale-, posterieure lamellaire keratopl. |
DLEK | diepe lamellaire endotheliale keratoplastiek | ||
DLK | diffuse lamellaire keratitis | diffuse lamellar keratitis | |
DM | diabetes mellitus | ||
DME | diabetic macular edema | DME | diabetisch macula-oedeem |
DMEK | Descemet-membrane endothelial keratoplasty | ||
DO | direct ophthalmoscopy | DO | direct oogspiegelen |
DR | diabetic retinopathy | DR, DRP | diabetische retinopathie |
DRS | Diabetic Retinopathy Study | ||
Ds | disease | M. | Morbus, ziekte |
DSAEK | Descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty | ||
DSEK | Descemet-stripping endothelial keratoplasty | ||
DUSN | diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis | ||
DV | distance vision | VODS v., afst. | visus R+L veraf, afstandszicht |
DVD | dissociated vertical deviation | gedissocieerde verticale deviatie | |
DW | daily wear | DW | overdag gedragen |
Dx | diagnosis | D/, E., A. | diagnose, evaluatie, assessment |
E | emmetropie | EMM | emmetropia |
E | esophoria | EF, Esof. | esoforie |
E’ | esophoria at near | EF+afstand | esoforie nabij |
e.c. | eigen correctie | ||
E(T) | intermitterende esotropie | E(T) | intermittent esotropia |
EBMD | epithelial basement membrane dystrophy | epitheliale basaalmembraandystrofie | |
ECCE | extracapsulair cataract extraction | ECLE | extracapsulaire lensextractie |
ECG | electrocardiogram | elektrocardiogram | |
Echo | echografie | US, USG | ultrasonografie |
ECLE | extracapsulaire lensextractie | ECCE | extracapsulair cataract extraction |
ECTR | ectropion | Ectrop. | ectropion |
EDTA | ethyleen-diamine-tetra-acetaat | ||
EEG | electroencephalogram | elektro-encefalogram | |
EF | eccentric fixation | E fix | ecxentrische fixatie |
EK | endotheliale keratoplastiek | PLK, DLEK | posterieure lamellaire keratoplastiek |
EKC | epidemische keratoconjunctivitis | KCE | keratoconjunctivitis epidemica |
EMM | emmetropia | E | emmetropie |
ENTR | entropion | Entrop. | entropion |
EOG | electro-oculogram | EOG | elektro-oculogram |
EOM | extraoculair movements/muscles | Mot., Oogbew. | oogbewegingen |
ERM | epiretinal membrane | ERM | epiretinale membraan |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate | BSE | bezinkingssnelheid der erytrocyten |
ET | esotropia at far | ET, esotr. | esotropie |
ET’ | esotropia at near | ET’ | esotropie nabij |
ETDRS | Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study | ||
EW | extended wear | overdag en ’s nachts gedragen | |
EXFOL | exfoliation | Exfol. | exfoliatie |
EXT | external | uitw. | uitwendig |
f | fundus | ||
F/U | follow-up | C/, Rev. | controle, revisie |
FA | fluorescein angiogram | FAG | fluoresceïne-angiografie |
Faco | faco-emulsificatie | PE, Phaco | phaco-emulsification |
FAG | fluoresceïne-angiografie | FA | fluorescein angiography |
FAZ | foveal avascular zone | FAZ | foveolaire avasculaire zone |
FB | foreign body | CA, c.al. | corpus alienum (’vreemd lichaam’) |
FD | Fuchs’ dystrophy | endotheeldystrofie v. Fuchs | |
FD | fixatie-disparatie | ||
FDT | frequency doubling technology | frequentieverdubbelingstechnologie (type GVO) | |
FDT | forced duction test | ||
FEBO | Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology | ||
Fenyl. | fenylefrine | ||
FEVR | familiaire exsudatieve vitreo-retinopathie | ||
FHx | family history | Fam. | familie anamnese |
FLN | fluoresceïne-natrium | Flu. | fluoresceïne |
Flu. | fluoresceïne | FLN | fluoresceïne-natrium |
FML | fluorometholon | ||
FS-DSEK | femtosecond-assisted laser-DSEK | ||
5-FU | 5-fluorouracil | ||
Fuchs HIC | heterochromie iridocyclitis van Fuchs | ||
g.a. | geen afwijkingen | ||
g.b. | geen bijzonderheden | ||
g.d.a. | geen duidelijke afwijkingen | WNL, b.n.g. | within normal limits, binnen normale grenzen |
GA | general anaesthesia | Alg. anesth. | algemene anesthesie, narcose |
GA | geografische atrofie | ||
GCA | giant cell arteriitis | GCA | reuscelarteriitis |
Genta. | gentamicine | ||
gib | geen instelbeweging (bij covertest) | ||
GLC | glaucoma | GL | glaucoom |
GLT | Glaucoma Laser Trial | ||
Gluc. 5% | glucose % | D5W | dextrose 5% in water |
GM(+) | Gram-positive | Gram+ | Gram-positief |
GONIO | gonioscopy | Gonio | gonioscopie |
GP | general practitioner | HA | huisarts |
GPC | giant papillary conjunctivitis | ||
gtt. | guttae | gtts. | guttae, druppels |
gtts | guttae/drops | gtt., oculogtt. | druppels, oogdruppels |
GV | gezichtsveld | VF | visual field |
GVO | gezichtsveldonderzoek | VFI | visual field investigation |
H, h. | haemorrhage, hemorrhagie | BI | bloeding |
Ha | headache | HP, hfdp | hoofdpijn |
HAV | hepatitis A virus | HVA | hepatitis virus A |
HBV | hepatitis B virus | HVB | hepatitis virus B |
HCL | harde contactlens | ||
HEM, h. | haemorrhage, hemorrhagie | BI | bloeding |
hfdp | hoofdpijn | Ha, HP | headache, hoofdpijn |
Hgb | haemoglobin | Hb | hemoglobine |
HHP | Hollenhorst plaque | ||
HIC | heterochromie iridocyclitis van Fuchs | ||
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus | HIV | humane immunodeficiëntievirus |
HLA | human leucocyte antigen | HLA | humaan leucocyten antigeen |
HM | hand movements | x/300 | handbewegingen zien op x meter afstand |
Homa. | homatropine | ||
HP | hoofdpijn | Hfdp | |
HPI | history of the present illness | SpA/ | speciële anamnese |
HPPM | hyperplastic persistent pupilary membr. | PPM | persisterende pupilmembraan |
hr(s), h | hour/hours | u | uur/uren |
HSK | herpes simplex keratitis | HSK | |
HSV | herpes simplex virus | HSV | |
HT, HTN | hypertension, hypertensie | RR/HBD | hypertensie/hoge bloeddruk |
HVF | Humphrey visual field | HFA | Humphrey field analyzer |
Hx | history | A/ Sx, S/ | anamnese, symptoms, subjective findings |
Hydrocort. | hydrocortison | ||
HYPH | hyphaema | ||
HYPP | hyperphoria | RHF/LHF | |
HZO | herpes zoster ophthalmicus | HZO | |
HZV | (zie VZV) | ||
ICCE | intracapsulair cataract extraction | ICLE | intracapsulaire lensextractie |
ICLE | intracapsulaire lensextractie | ICCE | intracapsulair cataract extraction |
ICE | iridocorneaal-endotheliaal syndroom | ||
ICG | indocyanine-groen | ||
ID | identification | ||
IDDM | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | ||
IDU | idoxuridine | ||
IK | interstitiële keratitis | ||
ILM | internal limiting membrane | lamina limitans interna | |
IM | intramusculair | intramuscular | |
IND, INDO | indometacine | ||
INO | internucleaire oftalmoplegie | ||
INT | intermittent | INT | intermitterend |
IO | inferior oblique muscle | m. obl. inf. | musculus obliquus inferior |
IOD | intraoculaire druk | IOP | intraoculair pressure |
IOFB | intraocular foreign body | intraoculair corpus alienum | |
IOL | intraocular lens | intraoculaire lens | |
ION | ischemische opticusneuropathie | ischaemic optic neuropathy | |
IOP | intraoculair pressure | IOD | intraoculaire druk |
IOPI | Iopidine® | ||
IPD | interpupillary distance | IPD, PD | interpupillaire afstand, pupildistantie |
IR | inferior rectus | m. rect. inf. | musculus rectus inferior |
IRMA | intraretinale microvasculaire afwijking | IRMA | intraretinal microvascular abnormality |
IV | intravenous | IV | intraveneus |
iv, i.v. | intraveneus | ||
j., jr | jaar | y., yr | year |
J., Jav. | Javal keratometrie | ||
JCA | juvenile chronic arthritis | JRA | juveniele reumatoïde artritis |
JCC | Jackson cross cylinder | KC, XC | kruiscylinder |
JOAG | juvenile-onset open-angle glaucoma | ||
JRA | juveniele reumatoïde artritis | JCA | juvenile chronic arthritis |
JXG | juveniel xanthogranuloom | ||
K | keratometrie | AK | autokeratometrie |
KC | keratoconus | ||
KC, XC | kruiscylinder | JCC | Jackson cross cylinder |
KCS | keratoconjunctivitis sicca | ||
KP | keratic precipitates | Desc.st. | Descemet-stippen |
L. | links, linker | LT, S | left, sinister |
Lab. | laboratoriumonderzoek (bloed, microbiol.) | ||
LASEK | laser subepitheliale keratomileusis | ||
LASER | light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation | ||
LASIK | laser in-situ keratomileusis | ||
LCA | Lebers congenitale amaurosis | ||
LED | lupus erythematodes disseminatus | SLE | systemische lupus erythematodes |
LHON | Lebers hereditaire opticusneuropathie | ||
Lido. | lidocaïne | ||
LKP | lamellaire keratoplastiek | ||
LP | light perception | 1/∞ | lichtperceptie |
LP – | geen lichtperceptie | 0, NLP | visus 0, no light perception |
LP c. proj. | light perception with projection | 1/∞ | lichtperceptie, met intacte/foute (+/-) projectie in de aangegeven kwadranten |
LP s. proj. | light perception without projection | 1/∞ | lichtperceptie, met foute projectie in alle kwadranten |
LPI | laser peripheral iridotomy | laser perifere iridotomie | |
LR | lateral rectus | m. rect. lat. | musculus rectus lateralis |
LT | left | L., S | linker, sinister |
LTG | low tension glaucoma | ||
LTP | laser trabeculoplasty | LTP | laser trabeculoplastiek |
Luc. | Lucentis®, ranibizumab | ||
LV | low vision | ||
LVA | low vision aid | vergrotend gezichtshulpmiddel | |
M. | Morbus, ziekte | Ds | disease |
m. | media | ||
m. | musculus (‘spier’) | ||
m.f. | media & fundi | ||
m. obl. inf. | musculus obliquus inferior | IO | inferior oblique muscle |
m. obl. sup. | musculus obliquus superior | SO | superior oblique |
m. rect. inf. | musculus rectus inferior | IR | inferior rectus |
m. rect. lat. | musculus rectus lateralis | LR | lateral rectus |
m. rect. med. | musculus rectus medialis | MR | medial rectus |
m. rect. sup. | musculus rectus superior | SR | superior rectus |
m., mnd. | maand | mth | month |
M&O | misselijk en overgeven | N&V | nausing and vomiting |
MAC | macula | ||
MAX | maximum | ||
MEDS | medications | MED | medicatie |
MEWDS | multifocal evanescent white dot syndrome | ||
MG | myasthenia gravis | ||
MGD | meibomian gland dysfunction | MGD | Meibomklierdysfunctie |
MM | maligne melanoom, melanoma malignum | ||
MMC | mitomycine-C | ||
Mot. | motiliteit v.d. ogen | EOM, Oogbew. | extraocular movements, oogbewegingen |
MPP | membrana pupillaris persistens | ||
MPS | Macular Photocoagulation Study | ||
MR | medial rectus muscle | m. rect. med. | musculus rectus medialis |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging | ||
MS | multiple sclerosis | ||
mth | month | m., mnd. | maand |
n. | nabij (bij visus) | NV | near vision |
N/S | no show | NVGB, NVMB | niet verschenen geen bericht, NV met bericht |
N&V | nausing and vomiting | M&O | misselijk en overgeven |
NaCl | natriumchloride | ||
NAG | narrow angle glaucoma | NKG | nauwe kamerhoek glaucoom |
NAION | non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy | niet-arteritische ischemische opticusneuropathie | |
NCT | non-contact tonometer | ||
Nd:YAG | neodymium-gedoteerd yttrium-aluminium-granaat laser | ||
NEO | neovascularisation | NEO | nieuw vaatvorming |
neo., neovasc. | neovascularisatie | ||
Neom. | neomycine | ||
NFC | negative fusional convergence | NFC | negatieve fusionele convergentie |
NFL | nerve fiber layer | RZVL | zenuwvezellaag |
NG | Normoglaucon® | ||
NG | no growth | status quo | |
NI | no improvement | ntv | niet te verbeteren |
NIDDM | non-insulin dependent diabetus mellitus | NIDDM | niet insuline afhankelijke DM |
nl | normal | nl | normaal |
NLDO | nasolacrimal duct obstruction | ductus nasolacrimalis obstructie | |
NLP | no light perception | LP – | geen lichtperceptie |
NPA | near point accomodation | NPA | nabijpunt van accomodatie |
NPC | near point convergence | NPC | nabijpunt van convergentie |
NPDR | non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy | NPDR | non-proliferatieve DR |
NRC | normal retinal correspondence | NRC | normale retinale correspondentie |
NS | nuclear sclerosis | ||
NTG | normal tension glaucoma | NTG, LTG | normale-drukglaucoom, low tension glaucoma |
ntv | niet te verbeteren | NI | no improvement |
NV | near vision | VODS n. | visus R+L nabij |
NV(A,D,E,I) | neovascularisation (angle, disc, elsewhere, iris) | neovascularisatie (KH, papil, elders, iris) | |
NVE | neovascularisation elsewhere (d.w.z. buiten de papil) | ||
NVG | neovasculair glaucoom | ||
NVGB, NVMB | niet verschenen, geen bericht/met bericht | N/S | no show |
NVI | neovascularisatie v.d. iris | rubeosis iridis | |
O. | objective (SOAP-format, SOEP-schema) | objectief, objectieve bevindingen | |
O/ | onderzoek, objectieve bevindingen | objective findings, signs | |
OA/ | oogheelkundige anamnese | ||
OAC | orale anticonceptie | BCP | birth control pill |
OAD | overall diameter | diam | diameter |
OAG | open angle glaucoma | OAG | open kamerhoek glaucoom |
OCCI | opposite clear corneal incision | ||
OCP | ocular cicatrical pemphigoid | oculair cicatricieel pemfigoïd | |
OCT | optische coherentie tomografie | optical coherence tomography | |
oculent. | oculentum, oogzalf | OINT | ointment |
oculogtt. | oculoguttae (‘oogdruppels’) | ||
OD | oculus dexter (‘rechteroog’) | RE | right eye |
OHT | oculaire hypertensie | OHTN | ocular hypertension |
OHTN | ocular hypertension | OHT | oculaire hypertensie |
OHTS | Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study | ||
OINT | ointment | oculent. | oculentum, oogzalf |
OIS | oculair ischemisch syndroom | ||
OKN | optokinetic nystagmus | OKN | optokinetische nystagmus |
ON | optic nerve | pap. | papil, discus nervus opticus |
OO/ | oogheelkundig onderzoek | O., O/ | |
Oogbew. | oogbewegingen | Mot., EOM | motiliteit, extraocular movements/muscles |
Oogz. | oogziekten (in het verleden) | VG/ | voorgeschiedenis |
opalesc. | opalescentie | ||
ORTHO | orthokeratology | ortho-K | orthokeratologie |
OS | oculus sinister (linkeroog) | LE | left eye |
OU | oculus uterque (both eyes) | ODS | beide ogen |
OVF | octopus visual field | OVF | octopus gezichtsveld |
Oxy | oxybuprocaïne | BNX | benoxinaat |
P | pachymetry | Pachy. | pachymetrie/corneadiktemeting |
P | plan (SOAP-format, SOEP-schema) | B/ | beleid |
p.c. | post cenam, post cibum (na de maaltijd) | ||
p.o. | per os | oraal, via de mond | |
p.r.n. | pro re nata (‘voor ‘t geval zich voordoet’) | s.n.(s.), z.n. | si necesse sit, zo nodig |
PA | pathologisch-anatomisch onderzoek | Path. | pathological investigation |
Pachy | pachymetrie | CCT | central corneal thickness |
PAM | potential acuity meter | ||
PAM | primary acquired melanosis | primair verworven melanosis | |
PAN | preauriculair node | PAN | pre-auriculaire lymfklier |
PAS | perifere anterieure synechiae | ||
pat. | patiënt | pt. | patient |
Path. | pathological investigation | PA | pathologisch-anatomisch onderzoek |
PC | posterior chamber | AOK | achterste oogkamer |
PCF | pharyngo-conjunctival fever | faryngo-conjunctivale koorts | |
PCIOL | posterior chamber intraocular lens | AOL | achterste-oogkamerlens |
PCL | posterior chamber lens | AOL | achterste-oogkamerlens |
PCO | posterior capsular opacity | PCO | nastaar |
PD | pupildistantie | ||
PDR | proliferatieve diabetische retinopathie | ||
PDS | pigmentdispersie-syndroom | ||
PDT | photodynamic therapy | fotodynamische therapie | |
PE, Phaco | phaco-emulsification | Faco | faco-emulsificatie |
PED | pigment epithelial detachment | PEL | pigmentepitheel-loslating |
PEE | punctate epithelial erosions | punctata epitheliale erosies | |
PEK | punctate epithelial keratitis | keratitis epithelialis punctata | |
PEL | pigmentepitheel-loslating | PED | pigment epithelial detachment |
perf. | perforatie | ||
PERRLA | pupils equal, round, reactive to light & accommodation | ||
PH | pinhole | Sten., Sten.op. | stenopeïsch, stenopeïsche opening |
PHPV | persistent hyperplastisch primair vitreum | ||
PI, p.i. | perifere iridotomie, perifere iridectomie | ||
PIC | punctate inner choroidopathy | ||
Pilo. | pilocarpine | ||
PIM | periculum in mora (‘gevaar bij uitstel’) | STAT, cito | statim (‘onmiddelijk’), spoed |
PION | posterior ischemic optic neuropathy | posterieure ischemische opticusneuropathie | |
PK | penetrating keratoplasty | PKP | perforerende keratoplastiek |
PKP | perforerende keratoplastiek | PK | penetrating keratoplasty |
PLK | posterieure lamellaire keratoplastiek | EK, DLEK | endotheliale keratoplastiek |
PMMA | polymethylmethacrylaat | ||
POAG | primary open angle glaucoma | primair open-kamerhoekglaucoom | |
POE | postoperatieve endophthalmitis | ||
POHS | presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndr. | ||
PORN | progressive outer retinal necrosis | ||
PORT | punctate outer retinal toxoplasmosis | ||
postop. | postoperatief | ||
PP | punctum plug | ||
PPA | peripapillaire atrofie | ||
PPD | posterior polymorphous dystrophy | posterieure polymorfe dystrofie | |
PPLOV | painless progressive loss of vision | PPVV | pijnloos progressief visusverlies |
PPM | persistent pupillary membrane | MPP | membrana pupillaris persistens |
PPV | pars plana vitrectomie | ||
PPVV | pijnloos progressief visusverlies | PPLOV | painless progressive loss of vision |
PRED | prednison, prednisolon | ||
preop. | preoperatief | ||
PRF | preretinale fibrose | ||
PRK | photorefractive keratectomy | fotorefractieve keratectomie | |
p.r.n., prn, PRN | pro re nata (‘voor het geval dat’) | ad lib., si nec. sit | ad libitum (‘at will’), si necesse sit (‘als nodig zou zijn’) |
PRP | panretinal photocoagulation | panretinale fotocoagulatie | |
PS | posterior synechiae | syn. post. | synechiae posteriores |
PSC | posterior subcapsular cataract | cataracta subcapsularis posterior | |
pt. | patient | pat. | patiënt |
PTC | pseudotumor cerebri | ||
PTK | phototherapeutic keratectomy | fototherapeutische keratectomie | |
PVD | posterior vitreous detachment | AGL | achterste glasvochtloslating |
PVR | proliferatieve vitreoretinopathie | proliferative vitreoretinopathy | |
PXE | pseudoxanthoma elasticum | ||
PXF | pseudo-exfoliatie | pseudo-exfolation | |
R. | rechts, rechter | RT, D | right, dexter |
R/ | recipe (‘neem’, begin v.e. recept) | Rx, ℞ | recipe (‘take’), presciption symbol |
RA | reumatoïde artritis | ||
RAPD | relatief afferent pupildefect (Marcus Gunn) | APD | afferent pupillary defect (Marcus Gunn) |
Rb | retinoblastoma | ||
RB | retrobulbair | ||
RCS | retinitis centralis serosa | CSR, CSCR | centrale sereuze (chorio)retinopathie |
(R)RD | rhegmatogenous retinal detachment | Abl. ret. | ablatio retinae, netvliesloslating |
REE | recurrent epithelial erosion | recidiverende erosie (v.h. cornea-epitheel) | |
Rev. | revisie | C/, F/U | controle, follow-up |
RFE | reason for encounter | RvK | reden van komst |
RGP | rigid gas permeable | HCL | harde gasdoorlatende CL, vormstabiele CL |
RK | radiale keratotomie | ||
ROP | retinopathy of prematurity | prematuren-retinopathie | |
ROS | review of systems | TrA/ | tractus anamnese |
RP | retinitis pigmentosa | ||
RPE | retinale pigmentepitheel | retinal pigment epithelium | |
RR | bloeddruk (Riva-Rocci) | ||
RT | right | R., D | rechts, dexter |
RvK | reden van komst | RFE | reason for encounter |
Rx | presciption | R/ | recipe (‘neem’, begin v.e. recept) |
RZVL | zenuwvezellaag | NFL | nerve fiber layer |
S | sinister, sinistra, sinistrum (‘linker’) | L., LT | linker, left |
S | sferisch, sferische lens | Sph | sphere, spherical lens |
s. | sine (‘zonder’) | w/o | without |
SAP | spontane arteriepulsaties (bij de papil) | ||
s.c. | sine correctione (‘zonder correctie’) | ||
s.n.(s.), z.n. | si necesse sit, zo nodig | p.r.n. | pro re nata (‘voor ‘t geval zich voordoet’) |
Schw. | lijn van Schwalbe (goniocopie) | SL | Schwalbe’s line (gonioscopy) |
SCL | soft contactlens | ZCL | zachte contactlens |
SE | sferisch equivalent | SER | spherical equivalent refraction |
SEI | subepitheliale infiltraten | ||
SER | spherical equivalent refraction | SE | sferisch equivalent |
SF6 | zwavelhexafluoride (gas) | sulfur hexafluoride | |
SI | sector-iridectomie | ||
SJS | Stevens-Johnson syndrome | syndroom v. Stevens-Johnson | |
SL | Schwalbe’s line | Schw. | lijn van Schwalbe |
SL(E) | slitlamp (examination) | Spl. | spleetlamp |
SLE | systemische lupus erythematodes | LED | lupus erythematodes disseminatus |
SLK | superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis | ||
SLOD | spleetlamp OD | Spl. OD | spleetlamp OD |
SLOS | spleetlamp OS | Spl. OS | spleetlamp OS |
SLT | selectieve laser-trabeculoplastiek | selective laser trabeculoplasty | |
SO | superior oblique | m. obl. sup. | musculus obliquus superior |
SOAP | subjective, objective, assessment, plan | SOEP | subjectief, objectief, evaluatie, plan |
SOEP | subjectief, objectief, evaluatie, plan | SOAP | subjective, objective, assessment, plan |
SpA/ | speciële anamnese | HPI | history of the present illness |
Sph | sphere, spherical lens | S | sferisch, sferische lens |
SPK | superficial punctate keratitis | keratitis superficialis punctata (M. Thygeson) | |
Spl. | spleetlamp | SL | slitlamp |
s.q.a., st. quo | status quo ante (‘toestand als tevoren’) | u.a., = | ut ante (‘zoals tevoren’), onveranderd |
SR | superior rectus | m. rect. sup. | musculus rectus superior |
SRNV | subretinale neovascularisatie | ||
SRF | subretinal fluid | subretinale vloeistof | |
SS | Sjögren syndrome | syndroom v. Sjögren | |
SS | sclerale spoor (gonioscopie) | scleral spur (gonioscopy) | |
STAT, Stat. | statim (‘onmiddelijk’) | PIM, cito | periculum in mora (‘gevaar bij uitstel’), spoed |
Sten., Sten.op. | stenopeïsch, stenopeïsche opening | PH | pinhole |
Strab. | strabismus | ||
SVP | spontane venepulsaties (bij de papil) | ||
Sx, S/ | symptoms, subjectieve bevindingen | A/ Hx | anamnese, history |
syn. ant. | synechiae anteriores | AS | anterior synechiae |
syn. post. | synechiae posteriores | PS | posterior synechiae |
T | tensio (oogdruk), tonometrie | TA, TP | applanatie-tonometrie, Tonopen |
t.i.d., TID | ter in die (‘3 maal per dag’) | 3 d.d. | ter de die (‘3 maal daags’) |
TA | applanatie-tonometrie | T, TP | tonometrie, Tonopen |
TB | tuberculosis | TBC | tuberculose |
TBUT | tear break-up time | BUT | traanfilmbreektijd |
TC | Terra-Cortril® | ||
TDN | tot de neus (6 cm of minder) | TTN | to the nose |
TE | trabeculectomie | TRAB | trabeculectomy |
TETR | tetracycline | ||
TFT | trifluorothimidine | ||
Th., Th/ | therapie | Tx | treatment, behandeling |
TIA | transient ischemic attack | ||
TID | transilluminatiedefect (v.d. iris) | ||
TM | trabecular meshwork (gonioscopy) | TS | trabekelsysteem (gonioscopie) |
TML | timolol | ||
TOBD | Tobradex® | ||
Tobr. | tobramycine, Tobrex® | ||
TP | Tonopen | T, TA | tonometrie, applanatie-tonometrie |
Tr. | trauma, verwonding | ||
TrA/ | tractus anamnes | ROS | review of systems |
TRAB | trabeculectomy | TE | trabeculectomie |
Trafl. | Trafloxal® | ||
Trav. | Travatan® | ||
TRD | tractional retinal detachment | tractie-ablatio retinae | |
TRD | tapetoretinale degeneratie | RP | retinitis pigmentosa |
Trop., trop. | tropicamide | ||
TS | trabekelsysteem (gonioscopie) | TM | trabecular meshwork (gonioscopy) |
TTN | to the nose | TDN | tot de neus (6 cm of minder) |
TTT | transpupillaire thermotherapie | ||
Tx | treatment, behandeling | Th., Th/ | therapie |
u.a. | ut ante (‘zoals tevoren’) | s.q.a., st. quo | status quo ante (‘toestand als tevoren’) |
UBM | ultrasonografische biomicroscoop | ||
UC | Ultracortenol® oculentum | ||
UCVA | uncorrected visual acuity | ongecorrigeerde visus | |
UGH | uveïtis-glaucoma-hyphaema (syndroom) | ||
US | ultrasound, ultrasoon | ||
USG | ultrasonografie | Echo, US | echografie |
v., vv. | vena (‘vene, ader’), venae (‘venen, aders’) | ||
v. | veraf (bij visus) | DV | distance vision |
VA | visual acuity | AV | acies visus, gezichtsscherpte, visus |
vdr | (astigmatisme) volgens de regel | WTR | with the rule (astigmatism) |
VEP | visually evoked potential | VER | visually evoked response |
VER | visually evoked response | VEP | visually evoked potential |
VF | visual field | GV | gezichtsveld |
Vit. | vitamine | ||
VG/ | voorgeschiedenis | ||
Vitr. | vitreous | CV | corpus vitreum |
VKH | Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndroom | ||
vmf. | voorsegmenten, media & fundi | ||
VOD | visus OD (gezichtsscherpte rechter oog) | AVOD | acies visus OD |
VODS | visus ODS (binoculair) | ||
VOL | voorste-oogkamerlens | ACL, ACIOL | anterior chamber lens |
Volg. X | volgende keer | ||
VOS | visus OS (gezichtsscherpte linker oog) | AVOS | acies visus OS |
vv. | venae (‘venen’, aders) | aa. | arteriae (‘arteriën’, slagaders) |
VV | voorsegment-vitrectomie | ||
VZV | Varicella zoster virus | herpes zoster virus | |
w/o | without | s. | sine (‘zonder’) |
W4D | Worth four dot test | ||
WD | working distance | werkafst. | werkafstand |
WK, wk, w. | week | ||
WNL | within normal limits | b.n.g. | binnen normale grenzen |
WTR | with the rule (astigmatism) | vdr | (astigmatisme) volgens de regel |
www | wassen met warm water | ||
x | (bij refractie) axis (‘as’) b.v.: S+2,25C-1,75 x 85˚ |
ax. | as, cilinder-as |
x | (bij keratometrie) maximum, b.v.: J 2,25 x 94˚ |
@ | b.v.: 42,00/44,25 @ 94˚ |
X | exophoria | XF | exoforie |
X’ | exophoria at near | XF’ | exoforie nabij |
X(T) | intermitterende exotropie | intermittent exotropia | |
X-orbita | röntgenfoto v.d. orbita | X-orbit | X-ray of the orbit |
X-CT | röntgen-computertomogram | CT | X-ray computed tomography, CT-scan |
XAL, Xal. | Xalatan® | latanoprost | |
XALC | Xalacom® | latanoprost/timolol | |
XC, KC | kruiscylinder | JCC | Jackson cross cylinder |
XF | exoforia, exoforie | ||
XT | exotropia, exotropie | ||
XT’ | exotropia at near | XT’ | exotropie nabij |
y., yr | year | j., jr | jaar |
YAG | yttrium-aluminium-granaat (type laser) | Nd:YAG | neodymium:YAG (laserkristal) |
YR, YRS | year, years, | j., jr., jrn. | jaar, jaren |
ZCL | zachte contactlens | SCL | soft contactlens |
ZOV | Zovirax® | ACV | aciclovir |
zsm | zo spoedig mogelijk | ASAP | as soon as possible |
Nederlandse receptuur | Amerikaanse receptuur | ||
Afkorting | Term / uitleg | Alternatief | Alternatieve term / synoniem |
scheidingstekens tussen twee voorschriften op één receptblad | ||
1 d.d. | semel de die (‘éénmaal daags’) | q.h.s., q.a.m, q.p.m. | quaque hora somni (‘every day at bedtime, before/after noon’) |
2 d.d. | bis de die (‘tweemaal daags’) | b.i.d. | bis in die (‘twice daily’) |
3 d.d. | ter de die (‘driemaal daags’) | t.i.d. | ter in die (‘thrice daily’) |
4 d.d. | quater de die (‘viermaals daags’) | q.i.d. | quater in die (‘four times a day’) |
5 d.d. | quinquies de die (‘vijfmaal daags’) | 5 i.d. | quinquies in die (‘five times a day’) |
6 d.d. | sexies de die (‘zesmaal daags’) | q. 4 h., q.q.h. | quaque quaternis horis (‘every 4 hours’) |
a͞a, aa | ana (‘van elk’) | a͞a, aa | ana (‘of each’) |
a.c. | ante cenam (‘voor de maaltijd’) | a.c. | (‘before meals’) |
ad | (‘tot aan’) | ad | (‘up to’) |
a.n. | ante noctem (‘voor de nacht’) | h.s. | hora somni (‘at bedtime’) |
c. | cum (‘met’) | c̅, c. | cum (‘with’) |
caps. | capsula (‘capsule’) | cap., caps. | capsula (‘capsule’) |
D. | da (‘geef’) | Disp. | dispensa (‘dispense’) |
d.t.d. | da tales doses (‘geef zulke hoeveelh.’) | d.t.d. | dentur tales doses (‘give of such doses’) |
iter., it. | iteretur, iteratio (‘herhaal, herhaling’) | rep. | repetatur (‘repeat’) |
mane | (‘ ’s ochtends’) | q.a.m., mane | quaque die ante meridiem (‘every morning’) |
m. et v., m. & v. |
mane et vespere (‘ ’s ochtends en ’s avonds’) | ||
n.i. | ne iteretur (‘dat het niet herhaald worde’) | non rep. | non repetatur (‘do not repeat’) |
no. | numero (‘in aantal’) | # | (‘number’) |
o. 2 h. | omni bihorio (‘iedere 2 uur’) | q. 2 h., alt. h. | (‘every 2 hours’), alternis horis (‘every other hour’) |
o. 3 h | omnibus ternis horis (‘iedere 3 uur’) | q. 3 h. | quaque ternis horis (‘every 3 hours’) |
o. 4 h. | omnibus quaternis horis (‘iedere 4 uur’) | q. 4 h. | quaque quaternis horis (‘every 4 hours’) |
o. ½ h. | omni dimidia hora (‘ieder half uur’) | q. ½ h. | quaque dimidia hora (‘every half hour’) |
o.d.d. | om de dag | q.a.d. | quaque alternis die (‘every other day’) |
o.h. | omni hora (‘ieder uur’) | q.h. | quaque hora (‘every hour’) |
oculent. | oculentum (‘oogzalf’) | ||
oculogtt. | oculoguttae (‘oogdruppels’) | gtt. | guttae (‘drops’) |
p.c. | post cenam (‘na de maaltijd’) | p.c. | (‘after meals’) |
p.o. | per os (‘via de mond, oraal’) | p.o. | per os (‘by mouth, orally’) |
p.r. | per rectum (‘via de anus, rectaal’) | p.r. | per rectum (‘rectally’) |
p.r.n. | pro re nata (‘voor het geval zich voordoet’) | s.n.(s.) | si necesse (sit) (‘als nodig (zou zijn)’) |
PIM | periculum in mora (‘gevaar bij uitstel’) | STAT. | statim (‘immediately’) |
R/ | recipe (‘neem’) | Rx, ℞ | recipe (‘take’), prescription symbol |
S. | signa (‘schrijf op etiket’) | Sig. | signa (‘label to patient’) |
s., sin. | sine (‘zonder’) | s̅, s. | sine (‘without’) |
ss. | semis (‘half, halve’) | ss., ss, s͞s | semis (‘one half’) |
s. cons. | sine conservante (‘zonder conservans’) | s̅ cons. | sine conservante (‘without conservative’) |
si nec. sit | si necesse sit (‘als nodig zou zijn’) | p.r.n., ad lib. | pro re nata (‘as needed’), ad libitum (‘at will’) |
si op. sit | si opus sit (‘indien nodig’) | ||
s.n.(s.) | si necesse (sit) (‘indien nodig’) | ||
tab. | tabula (‘tablet’) | ||
u.c. | usus cognitus | u.d. | ut dictum (‘as directed’) |
vesp. | vespere (‘ ’s avonds’) | q.p.m. | quaque die post meridiem (‘every afternoon’) |
z.n. | zo nodig |
Voorbeeld Nederlands recept: | Voorbeeld Amerikaans recept: | ||
R/ | Rx | ||
timolol 0,5% oculogtt. | Xalatan | ||
D. no. III | Disp. # 3 | ||
S. 2 d.d. gtt. I in ODS | Sig. q.h.s. gtt. 1 in ODS | ||
iter. 2 x | rep. 2 x | ||
# | |||
acetazolamide 250 mg | Diamox Sustet 250 mg | ||
D. tab. d.t.d. no. XXX | Disp. # 30 | ||
S. 3 d.d. tab. I | Sig. t.i.d. 1 cap. p.o. | ||
iter. 1 x |
Contact: Jacqueline Mees ten Oever of Hans Klaver Copyright © 2012 J.M.J.A. Mees ten Oever & J.H.J. Klaver